In the name of Allah , and peace on God's messengers and Praise is all due to Allah Lord of the world , God's peace , mercy and blessings is upon you.
The first inquiry is a statement from the words of God :

And when life is resurrected on all of dead creation ( blowing meant they are resurrected by Allah's word Be and it is ) and behold! From the graves they will come out quickly to their Lord.

52. They will say: "Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep." (It will be said to them by infedles who is a prophet was sent in their time): "This is what the Most Beneficent (Allah) had promised, and the Messengers spoke truth!"

53. It will be but a single Saihah (literal Arabic translation is shout but it meant the command of Be and it's resurrection), so behold! They will all be brought up before Us!

54. This Day (Day of Resurrection), none will be wronged in anything, nor will you be requited anything except that which you have earned by your actions

truthful is the Great Allah

Surah yaseen verses: 51-54
Oh you questioner, be of those who use their minds',think and ponder on what Allah's saying They will say: "Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep."

This aught to be said by a group of people who does not know who have resurrected them and that's because they do not know that they will be brought back to life after they died. These group of people have died before the messengers of Allah were sent to their people, so those group of unbelievers Allah have not punish them after they died, so there death is like a state of sleep they do not know a thing since the moment they died for they have not being punished- here imam is talking about the punishment of soul right after moment of death in hell fire suffers till judgment day to have punishment of soul and body in hell fire.
in assertion to Allah's saying:
(And never would We punish until We sent a messenger). truthful the Great Allah
Surah Al-Israa15

Therefore those infidels who died before a messenger of God to be sent to them, they don't have a clue on what is resurrection which Allah have promised in his revealed books and they don't know a thing about it. So they were astonished greatly at the day of resurrection, who brought them up from their graves and for what reason? for they do not know anything about resurrection and reckoning. That is why they asked "Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep." and then the disbelievers of the messengers who used to took the messengers for liers, gave the verdict in reply "This is what the Most merciful have promised and the messengers were true."
Hence, that was the reply from the disbelievers who took the messengers for liers,
and Allah said:
Do they just wait for a when it(Quranic verses ) comes into reality in the fulfillment of its meaning. And when that day comes(judgment day), those who are forgetful with their action when they disregarded it(a Holy Book) before will say: " "the messengers to us came with the truth." truthful the great Allah
Surah Alaaraf verse 53

Those are the disbelievers who made the verdict to their companions of those who died before the messengers were send to them and that's why they have said :

(woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep."
which means they do not know of this promise of resurrection on all of the creation by the most merciful. But those who were alive when the messages were send to their people and they have took their messengers for liers, when the messengers have foretold them about the resurrection, that's why they are the ones' on that day who would say that verdict themselves to those who asked the question and their reply to the question was
"This is what the Most merciful have promised and the messangers were true." truthful The Great Allah
Those who paused the question from the disbelievers' are the same ones who would stand on the Araaf(party wall on the new Earth) that was put in between Heaven and Hell and they neither are in Heaven nor they are in Hell.

and Allah almighty said:

And between them will be a partition, and on [its] elevations are men who recognize all by their faces(they have known them in life). And they call out to the companions of Paradise, "Peace be upon you." They have not [yet] entered it, but they long intensely.

And when their eyes are turned toward the companions of the Fire, they say, "Our Lord, do not place us with the wrongdoing people."

And the companions of the Elevations will call to men [within Hell] whom they recognize by their faces(also they have known them in life) saying, "Of no avail to you was your gathering and [the fact] that you were arrogant."

[ people standing on The Araaf (the party wall)will say], "Are these-people who they have known but believed in the messngers -the ones whom you [inhabitants of Hell who they have also known ] swore that Allah would never offer them mercy?
[ Allah say], Enter Paradise, [O People(who died before messangers were sent) standing on the party wall]. No fear will there be concerning you, nor will you grieve."
truthful The Great Allah.Surah Alaaraf,verses 46-49

Those are not among the believers nor they are among the disbelievers for they have died before the messengers were sent- but known the people who lived to have a messenger sent to them . take a look in their reply to the inhabitant of Hell fire
Are these-people who they have known but believed in the messengers -the ones whom you [inhabitants of Hell who they have also known ] swore that Allah would never offer them mercy? they meant by pausing the question are those the ones? they meant to point out the inhabitant of Heaven who the disbelievers have sworn in that life before that Allah's mercy will not cover them?
and then an answer to the prayers-look verse 47Surah AlAraaf-said by these people standing on the party wall was answered by their Lord-they mentioned Allah's mercy to be cause for the inhabitant of Heaven to enter it-
And The Great rewarding merciful have said to them
Enter Paradise, [O People(who died before messangers were sent) standing on the party wall]. No fear will there be concerning you, nor will you grieve." truthful The Great Allah.Surah

That is because they have prayed to Allah their Lord and said:
And when their eyes are turned toward the companions of the Fire, they say, "Our Lord, do not place us with the transgressors."
that's why the answer to their prayers to Allah their Lord, is Allah say
], Enter Paradise, [O People(who died before messangers were sent) standing on the party wall]. No fear will there be concerning you, nor will you grieve." truthful The Great Allah.

So then how would Allah punishes them and go against his truthful ruling mentioned in his own truthful saying:

And never would We punish until We sent a messenger
truthful The Great Allah
surah AlIsraa verse51

Therefore those who have died before a messenger of Allah was sent to them have a valid argument before their Lord, that's why he will not punish them. And Allah have said :

[We sent] messengers as bringers of good tidings and warners so that mankind will have no argument against Allah after the messengers. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise. truthful The Great Allah. Surah Al-Nissan ,verse 165
Those who died before they come to know the truth about resurrection. They do not know who have brought them back to life, because no one have told them about it when they were alive in this here life. That's why they said:

Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep"truthful The Great Allah
and to those disbelievers who knew the truth about what the messengers have warned them about this day of resurrection. that's why the reply of those disbelievers who knew who have resurrected them from the dead, they have said to the other disbelievers who are oblivious to what's going on on this resurrection; "this is what the most merciful has promised and truthful
is his messengers(52)"
truthful The Great Allah. surah Yaseen
and Allah have said : those who are forgetful with their action when they disregarded it(a Holy Book) before will say: " "the messengers to us came with the truth." truthful the great Allah.Surah Alaraaf verse 53

peace upon the messangers and all praise is due to Allah,Lord of the world's.
the khalifah of Allah, The Imam Mahdi Nassir Mohamed Alymani.

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