previous I apologize, for not reading all threads in this forum,
I want to ask the Imam, about a person (abduhu) who is given mercy and knowledge from God's side.
It is narrated in Surat Kahf, about the Prophet Musa AS meeting with someone (abduhu) who has been given grace and knowledge from God's side. And according to the hadith narrated by the prophet, the person is named Khidir AS. This made the curiosity in my heart, remembering the stories of some of the early men, also met the Prophet Khidir AS. And there is the assumption of some scholars of the tarekat / Thoriqoh, that there are 4 prophets who are still alive today, namely Prophet Isa bin Maryam AS, Prophet Ilyas AS, Prophet Idris AS, and Prophet Khidir.
Meanwhile, according to the information of Imam Naseer Muhammad Al-Yamani, that cave man (ashabul kahf) there are 4 people, namely: Prophet Ilyasa US, Prophet Idris AS, Prophet Ilyas AS, plus Ar-Raqiim (Prophet Isa bin Maryam AS).
Does this mean that the person who is called the US Kidir does not exist, or is the Prophet Khidir AS the Prophet Ilyasa AS ....?
Please Explanation, Thank You in advance.
انتهى الاقتباس
Original Message:
اقتباس المشاركة :
The following message was sent to you via the Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al Yamani, The Islamic Bushra and Great News Forum Contact Us form by gunawan.wibisono ( mailto: ).
sebelumnya saya mohon maaf, karena belum membaca semua thread di forum ini,
saya ingin menanyakan kepada Imam, tentang seseorang (abduhu) yang diberikan rahmat dan ilmu dari sisi Tuhan.
Hal tersebut diceritakan dalam Surat Kahfi, tentang Nabi Musa AS bertemu dengan seseorang (abduhu) yang telah diberikan rahmat dan ilmu dari sisi Tuhan. Dan menurut riwayat hadist nabi, orang tersebut bernama Khidir AS. Hal ini membuat rasa ingin tahu dalam hati saya, mengingat cerita-cerita dari beberapa orang-orang sholeh terdahulu, juga pernah bertemu dengan Nabi Khidir AS. Dan ada anggapan dari sebagian ulama tarekat/ Thoriqoh, bahwa ada 4 nabi yang masih hidup sampai saat ini, yaitu Nabi Isa bin Maryam AS, Nabi Ilyas AS, Nabi Idris AS, serta Nabi Khidir.
Sedangkan menurut keterangan dari Imam Naseer Muhammad Al-Yamani, bahwa manusia gua (ashabul kahfi) ada 4 orang, yaitu : Nabi Ilyasa AS, Nabi Idris AS, Nabi Ilyas AS, ditambah Ar-Raqiim (Nabi Isa bin Maryam AS).
Apakah ini artinya orang yang disebut dengan Khidir AS memang tidak ada, ataukah Nabi Khidir AS adalah Nabi Ilyasa AS....?
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
Salam Alikom, peace be upon you brother gunawan.wibisono
I believe you r question has been asked before by other sister and let me tell you first that not all narrations are true some of it came added to it or induced and contrary to Quran in this case we do not take it as for Khadir as people named the righteous man at the days of Moses is not true Allah never mentioned in the Quran this name and he been mentioned as "rajul saleh" meaning that he is a righteous man. Also as you mentioned the companions of are 3 prophets and the 4th of them is Al-Raqeem who is Jesus "Esa" peace be upon them.. and there is no Kadir I urge you to open the link before to read the statements that came as an answer for a similar question as yours as follows:
Maafkan atas kebodohan saya, ternyata memang ada maksud tertentu mengapa Allah mencantumkan nama "abdahu" dalam surat Al-Kahfi. Ternyata derajat "abdahu" memang sengaja dirahasiakan Allah dalam Al-Quran supaya kita sebagai ummat bisa berlomba-lomba bersama-sama bersaing dengan para Nabi dan Rasul, para shiddiqiin, Arifin, Syuhada, dan orang-orang sholeh lainnya.
Masyaa Allah,....
Ternyata ada rahasia agung dari Allah mengapa hanya mencantumkan nama "abdahu", dan memang seharusnya seperti itu jalan yang kita tempuh untuk menghadap Tuhan. Bahwa derajat seseorang di-sisi Tuhannya tidak hanya terbatas untuk para Nabi dan Rasul saja. Dan hanya di sisi Tuhan-lah pemilik syafaat/ pertolongan.
Ohh wahai kaum muslimin yang selama ini hanya mengharapkan Syafaat bukan dari sisi Tuhan-nya, mereka telah tersesat. Sebagaimana umat Kristiani yang meminta syafaat (penebusan dosa) kepada Isa Al-Masih yang mereka anggap sebagai anak Tuhan. Sehingga melupakan hakikat sebenarnya, bahwa syafaat/ pertolongan hanya ada pada sisi ALLAH Dzal Jalaali wal Ikroom.
Mereka yang selama ini bersholawat kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan hanya mengharapkan syafaat dari Nabi, harus memperbaiki akidah dan pengertian yang sesungguhnya. Bahwa sholawat haruslah dengan cinta yang murni kepada Nabi, dan bukan meminta Syafaat dari Nabi. Dan saya akhirnya mengerti mengapa dalam Kitab Kumpulan Sholawat "Dalail al-Khayrat" yang disusun oleh Syaikh Sulayman Jazuli ra, merahasiakan 1 nama dari sekian banyak nama-nama predikat Sayyidina Muhammad SAW. Ada 1 nama yang dirahasiakan dalam kitab tersebut, yaitu nama "abdahu".
Mengapa saya bisa sebodoh itu,.... Astaghfirullah,
Terima Kasih saya ucapkan kepada Imam Naseer Muhammad Al-Yamani, yang telah memberikan kandungan Hikmah dan Ilmu dari Al-Quranul Kariim.
Please Use Google Translation or any other tool to translate to language that we can understand
Google Translation:
اقتباس المشاركة :
Subhan Allah,
Forgive me for my stupidity, there is indeed a specific purpose why God put the name "abdahu" in the letter of Al-Kahf. It turns out that the degree of "abdahu" is deliberately kept God in the Qur'an so that we as Muslims can compete together to compete with the Prophets and Messengers, the shiddiqiin, Arifin, Martyrs, and other sholeh people.
Masyaa Allah, ....
It turns out there is a great secret from God why just put the name "abdahu", and rightly that way we go to face God. That a person's degree on his / her God's side is not limited to Prophets and Messengers only. And only on the side of God is the owner of intercession / help.
Ohh oh the Muslims who had been expecting intercession not from the side of God, they have gone astray. As Christians are asking for intercession (penance) to Isa Al-Masih whom they consider to be God's children. So forget the true nature, that intercession / help only on the side of ALLAH Dzal Jalaali wal Ikroom.
Those who have been praying for the Prophet Muhammad by wishing only the intercession of the Prophet, must correct the aqeedah and the real sense. That sholawat must be with pure love to the Prophet, and not ask for intercession from the Prophet. And I finally understood why in the Book of Sholawat "Dalail al-Khayrat" compiled by Shaykh Sulayman Jazuli ra, the secret of the names of many predicate Sayyidina Muhammad SAW. There is an undisclosed name in the book, the name "abdahu".
Why can I be so stupid, .... Astaghfirullah,
Thank you to Imam Naseer Muhammad Al-Yamani, who has provided wisdom and knowledge from Al-Quranul Kariim.
Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh.
انتهى الاقتباس
Original Text:
اقتباس المشاركة :
Maafkan atas kebodohan saya, ternyata memang ada maksud tertentu mengapa Allah mencantumkan nama "abdahu" dalam surat Al-Kahfi. Ternyata derajat "abdahu" memang sengaja dirahasiakan Allah dalam Al-Quran supaya kita sebagai ummat bisa berlomba-lomba bersama-sama bersaing dengan para Nabi dan Rasul, para shiddiqiin, Arifin, Syuhada, dan orang-orang sholeh lainnya.
Masyaa Allah,....
Ternyata ada rahasia agung dari Allah mengapa hanya mencantumkan nama "abdahu", dan memang seharusnya seperti itu jalan yang kita tempuh untuk menghadap Tuhan. Bahwa derajat seseorang di-sisi Tuhannya tidak hanya terbatas untuk para Nabi dan Rasul saja. Dan hanya di sisi Tuhan-lah pemilik syafaat/ pertolongan.
Ohh wahai kaum muslimin yang selama ini hanya mengharapkan Syafaat bukan dari sisi Tuhan-nya, mereka telah tersesat. Sebagaimana umat Kristiani yang meminta syafaat (penebusan dosa) kepada Isa Al-Masih yang mereka anggap sebagai anak Tuhan. Sehingga melupakan hakikat sebenarnya, bahwa syafaat/ pertolongan hanya ada pada sisi ALLAH Dzal Jalaali wal Ikroom.
Mereka yang selama ini bersholawat kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan hanya mengharapkan syafaat dari Nabi, harus memperbaiki akidah dan pengertian yang sesungguhnya. Bahwa sholawat haruslah dengan cinta yang murni kepada Nabi, dan bukan meminta Syafaat dari Nabi. Dan saya akhirnya mengerti mengapa dalam Kitab Kumpulan Sholawat "Dalail al-Khayrat" yang disusun oleh Syaikh Sulayman Jazuli ra, merahasiakan 1 nama dari sekian banyak nama-nama predikat Sayyidina Muhammad SAW. Ada 1 nama yang dirahasiakan dalam kitab tersebut, yaitu nama "abdahu".
Mengapa saya bisa sebodoh itu,.... Astaghfirullah,
Terima Kasih saya ucapkan kepada Imam Naseer Muhammad Al-Yamani, yang telah memberikan kandungan Hikmah dan Ilmu dari Al-Quranul Kariim.
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
Allah’s peace, mercy and His blessings be upon you
I agree with you about competing with all prophets, messengers, martyrs and the righteous servants as the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni peace be upon him who taught us not only competing with the humans rather we should compete with all Allah's creation because they are Alah's servants as us even the angels do compete for Allah's love and His nearness..
But I ask Allah to forgive us for what we did not know and we thank Him for His great favor over us that He guided us and made us discover the True by the True explanatory-statements for the Quran (Bayan Al-Quran) from Allah that He taught it to His servant and His khalifa peace be upon him, I hope you continue reading more to keep the light in your heart.. and we should teach the truth and pass it to others and let them know about intercession is not as they think it is only Allah's mercy that will intercede for His servants if they only seek Him Alone and ask His mercy without asking any of His servants to mediate between them and Allah Glory be to Him..
As for what you mentioned here:
اقتباس المشاركة :
And I finally understood why in the Book of Sholawat "Dalail al-Khayrat" compiled by Shaykh Sulayman Jazuli ra, the secret of the names of many predicate Sayyidina Muhammad SAW. There is an undisclosed name in the book, the name "abdahu".
انتهى الاقتباس
I do not know about the named person or Book that is mentioned above we only follow the Quran and the True sunna of His messenger Mohammad -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- and the word "abdahu" is mentioned for every servant of Allah you and I and all who are in the heavens and the earth and what underneath the soil in the land of hollow earth Allah's garden that most people are unaware about it...
First and last we praise Allah the All Merciful for His guidance and we ask Him to keep us steadfast on the right path which is Allah's straight path..
..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan Semesta Alam.
Terima kasih banyak atas penjelasannya, dan sejujurnya saya belum pernah mendapatkan pengajaran yang jelas daripada ini sebelumnya. Ini semua menambah keyakinan saya, bahwa Imam Naseer Muhammad Al Yamani adalah benar-benar Imam Mahdi, seseorang yang telah diberikan rahmat dan petunjuk oleh Allah.
Mudah-mudahan Allah selalu melindungi kita semua, dan Allah mengampuni dosa dan kesalahan kita semua, dan mudah-mudahan semoga Allah menjauhkan kita dari sifat sombong, takabur, riya, yang mana itu adalah sifat-sifat Iblis yang selalu mencari-cari celah untuk menggoda kita semua.
Ya Allah, berikanlah selalu Rahmat, petunjuk, dan ilmu dari sisi-Mu, bagi kami semua kaum muslimin dan muslimat, mukminin dan mukminat. Dan berikanlah kami keselamatan di dunia dan akhirat, lindungilah kami dari siksa api neraka. Aamiin.
Praise be only for Allah, the Lord of Hosts.
Thank you very much for the explanation, and to be honest I have never got a clear teaching than this before. This all adds to my belief, that the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al Yamani is really Mahdi, a person who has been given the grace and guidance of God.
Hopefully God always protect us all, and God forgives our sins and errors of all, and hopefully may God keep us from nature arrogant, haughty, riya, which it is the properties of the devil are always looking for loopholes to tempt We all.
O Allah, give always mercy, guidance, and knowledge from me, for all of the brothers and sisters, believers and the believing. And give us salvation in this world and the hereafter, save us from the torment of the Fire. Aamiin.
انتهى الاقتباس من gunawan.wibisono
Salam, peace to all
Praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
Thank you brother for your understanding and I ask Allah to keep us steadfast on the straight path
Please read, ponder and circulate the Truth far and wide, it was my pleasure to help and my duty to please Allah in HimSelf glory be to Him
Salam to all