Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

25 - 04 - 1437 AH
04 - 02 - 2016 AD
10:06 pm

..Fatwa with Truth about the holy spirit in the decisive grand Quran

.In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, prayers of forgiveness and peace be upon Mohammad messenger of Allah-prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- and all the believers, after this..

O Labib Al-Athori, you had cast many questions and for each question an explanatory-statement with Truth and from the decisive grand Quran, and many of them are found explained fully in our statements, in any case I will answer to your questions intervals and each question separately.

First, I see you identifying the holy spirit not with Truth. And I give you fatwa with Truth that the holy spirit is Allah’s messenger the angel Gabriel prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him, and the clear proof that he is Gabriel you find it in the word of Allah the Most High: {And when We change a message for a message — and Allah knows best what He reveals — they say: You are only a forger. Nay, most of them know not.(101) Say: The holy spirit has revealed it from your Lord with truth, that it may establish those who believe, and as a guidance and good news for the Muslims (who submit).(102)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nahl] 16:101-102, look at the word of Allah the Most High: {Say: The holy spirit has revealed it from your Lord with truth}Truthful Allah the Great, which means the holy spirit Gabriel revealed it from your Lord with Truth.
{وَإِذَا بَدَّلْنَا آيَةً مَّكَانَ آيَةٍ وَاللَّـهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يُنَزِّلُ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا أَنتَ مُفْتَرٍ بَلْ أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿١٠١﴾ قُلْ نَزَّلَهُ رُوحُ الْقُدُسِ مِن رَّبِّكَ بِالْحَقِّ لِيُثَبِّتَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَهُدًى وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ ﴿١٠٢﴾} صدق الله العظيم [النحل]
{قُلْ نَزَّلَهُ رُوحُ الْقُدُسِ مِن رَّبِّكَ} صدق الله العظيم
With respect to the aiding of Allah’s messenger Jesus son of Mary with the holy spirit, surely he is when the children of Israel wanted to kill him Allah supported him with angels by the leadership of the holy spirit to carry (Esa) Jesus so they place him in the coffin of tranquility, and the holy spirit made to appear to them another (lookalike) body with Allah’s permission that the its image as the image of Jesus son of Mary but it is a body without soul, and the holy spirit put that body in the sleeping place (bed) of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary and they covered him with the same cove of his sleep (quilt) in his usual resting place (bed) where the children of Israel knows that he sleeps in it, and the enemies of Allah from the children of Israel killed the man who was in the resting place (bed) of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary and thought that he is Jesus son of Mary, then they killed him by stabbing him with swords until they thought that they killed him, then they crucified him and the crucifixion is severing the head from the body.

As in regard to the Messiah Jesus son of Mary surely Allah caused him to die as caused the death of the companions of the cave, and He raised his soul to Him, and the angels with the holy spirit placed the body of the True Messiah Jesus son of Mary in the coffin of tranquility, and carried it the angels and the holy spirit then they added him to the companions of the cave, and that is (Al-Raqeem) the added one to the companions of the cave, that is to say they added his body, and as for his soul surely Allah raised it to Him for a while. Didn’t Allah the Most High say: {And (the Jews) planned and Allah (also) planned. And Allah is the best of planners.(54) When Allah said: O Jesus, I will cause you to die and raise your (soul) to Me and purifying you of those who disbelieved.(55)}Truthful Allah the Great [Ãli-´Imrãn] 3:54-55
{وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّـهُ ۖ وَاللَّـهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ ﴿٥٤﴾ إِذْ قَالَ اللَّـهُ يَا عِيسَىٰ إِنِّي مُتَوَفِّيكَ وَرَافِعُكَ إِلَيَّ وَمُطَهِّرُكَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا} صدق الله العظيم [آل عمران:54-55]

Look that He mentioned death of the soul then He said: {.. and purifying you of those who disbelieved}, which means clearing his body from the hands of who disbelieved to not touch him with harm so He had supported him with the holy spirit Gabriel who carried him from the resting place of his sleep (bed) while his soul with its Initiator, and they placed his body in the coffin of tranquility, then the holy spirit put with Allah’s power another body without a soul in the resting place of sleeping (bed) of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him, so those who will plot against him from the children of Israel think that he is the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, and that body looks like Jesus in the image but it is a body without soul, and the children of Israel who want to plot in killing the Messiah Jesus son of Mary while he is in his sleep-resting place (in his bed) and they stabbed who made to look like him to them, then they crucified him and the crucifixion as we said is severing the head from the body, did Yousuf said to one of the owners of the vision: {O my two fellow-prisoners, as for one of you, he will serve wine for his lord to drink; and as for the other, he will be crucified, so that the birds will eat from his head. The matter is decreed concerning which you inquired.}Truthful Allah the Great [Yousuf] 12:41? Surely we deduce from this that the crucifixion is severing of the head from the body, to the fact the man killed a soul unjustly and the court ruled against him in cutting off his head and suspending the head in the public street for an example and a lesson, and as for the body it was buried immediately, and only the head was suspended in the public street for example and lesson, and for that Allah the Most High said: {.. and as for the other, he will be crucified, so that the birds will eat from his head..}Truthful Allah the Great. Why the birds did not eat as well from the body while it is leaner than the skull? The answer; because the body was buried in the grave right after the crucifixion of the head with the sword.
{يَا صَاحِبَيِ السِّجْنِ أَمَّا أَحَدُكُمَا فَيَسْقِي رَبَّهُ خَمْرًا وَأَمَّا الْآخَرُ فَيُصْلَبُ فَتَأْكُلُ الطَّيْرُ مِن رَّأْسِهِ قُضِيَ الْأَمْرُ الَّذِي فِيهِ تَسْتَفْتِيَانِ ﴿٤١﴾} صدق الله العظيم [يوسف]
{وَأَمَّا الْآخَرُ فَيُصْلَبُ فَتَأْكُلُ الطَّيْرُ مِن رَّأْسِهِ} صدق الله العظيم

The important is that we deduce from the story of the two fellow prisoners that the crucifixion is severing of the head and as for the killing is the stabbing with the sword, and we do not get out of the subject that belongs to Allah’s messenger Jesus prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him and his mother, we only wanted to bring the proof of the crucifixion from the decisive Quran that it is the severing of the head from the body, and for that you find that Allah mentioned the killing then the crucifixion. And Allah the Most High said: {And for their saying: We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah, and they did not kill him, nor they crucified him, but he was made to appear to them as such..}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nesã´] 4:157
{وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا الْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ اللَّـهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَـٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ} صدق الله العظيم [157:النساء].

look at the mentioning of killing before the crucifixion to the fact they stabbed the body with the swords to kill him and they thought that who was in the bed is the Messiah messenger of Allah, and it is only a body without a soul made to look like him to them by the holy spirit Gabriel with Allah’s permission and made his image similar to the image of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, and the important that they killed that body in the bed by stabbing with the swords whom they plotted against him, then they crucified his head from his body which means by severing the head from his body after stabbing that body. and for that Allah the Most High said: {..and they did not kill him, nor they crucified him, but he was made to appear to them as such..}Truthful Allah the Great.
{وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَـٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ} صدق الله العظيم.

Look how He began with the (mention of) killing then with the crucifixion, in the meaning of that they killed that body who they found him covered with the quilt of the Messiah in the bed of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, then they stabbed him with their swords, and after they announced the killing of him they crucified his head, and the important that you accept the Truth of the word of Allah the Most High: {..and they did not kill him, nor they crucified him, but he was made to appear to them as such..}Truthful Allah the Great. How can you say that they killed the Messiah Jesus son of Mary -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- and that he has two souls and that they killed a soul and remained a soul? In fact this statement is from you without knowledge from Allah; in fact the holy spirit is Gabriel that Allah supported him with him (Gabriel) to save him from the cunning of the children of Israel, and we brought to you the manifest proof from the decisive grand Quran that the holy spirit is Allah’s messenger the angel Gabriel -prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him- who descended with the grand Quran upon Mohammad messenger of Allah, prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family. Confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: {And when We change a message for a message — and Allah knows best what He reveals — they say: You are only a forger. Nay, most of them know not.(101) Say: The Holy Spirit has revealed it from your Lord with truth, that it may establish those who believe, and as a guidance and good news for those who submit.(102)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nahl] 16:101-102
{وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَـٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ} صدق الله العظيم
{وَإِذَا بَدَّلْنَا آيَةً مَّكَانَ آيَةٍ وَاللَّـهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يُنَزِّلُ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا أَنتَ مُفْتَرٍ بَلْ أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿١٠١﴾ قُلْ نَزَّلَهُ رُوحُ الْقُدُسِ مِن رَّبِّكَ بِالْحَقِّ لِيُثَبِّتَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَهُدًى وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ ﴿١٠٢﴾} صدق الله العظيم [النحل].

And after raising the argument against you with Truth from the fatwa about the holy spirit that he is Gabriel -prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him- and your acknowledgement in the True explanatory-statement for this question, Allah’s willing we will answer to you in the remaining questions even though that many of it we had explained it with Truth in the previous explanatory-statements, but no problem, and we increase knowledge to the supporters and the searchers for the Truth with Allah’s permission, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds..

.Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


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اقتباس المشاركة 216176 من موضوع الفتوى بالحقّ عن روح الْقُدُسِ في محكم القرآن العظيم ..

[ لمتابعة رابط المشاركـــــــــــــة الأصليّة للبيــــــــــــــان ]

الإمام ناصر محمد اليماني
25 - 04 - 1437 هـ
04 - 02 - 2016 مـ
10:06 مساءً

الفتوى بالحقّ عن روح الْقُدُسِ في محكم القرآن العظيم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، والصلاة والسلام على محمدٍ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وجميع المؤمنين، أمّا بعد..
ويا لبيب الأثوري لقد ألقيتَ أسئلةً كثيرةً ولكلّ سؤالٍ بيانٌ بالحقّ ومن محكم القرآن العظيم، وكثيرٌ منها توجد مفصلةً في بياناتنا، وعلى كل حالٍ لسوف أجيبك على أسئلتك على فتراتٍ وكلّ سؤالٍ على حِدَةٍ.

فأولاً إني أراك تُبيّن روح الْقُدُسِ بغير الحقّ، وأُفتيك بالحقّ أنّ روح الْقُدُسِ هو رسول الله المَلَك جبريل عليه الصلاة والسلام، والبرهان المبين على أنّه جبريل تجده في قول الله تعالى:
{وَإِذَا بَدَّلْنَا آيَةً مَّكَانَ آيَةٍ وَاللَّـهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يُنَزِّلُ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا أَنتَ مُفْتَرٍ بَلْ أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿١٠١﴾ قُلْ نَزَّلَهُ رُوحُ الْقُدُسِ مِن رَّبِّكَ بِالْحَقِّ لِيُثَبِّتَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَهُدًى وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ ﴿١٠٢﴾} صدق الله العظيم [النحل]، فانظر لقول الله تعالى: {قُلْ نَزَّلَهُ رُوحُ الْقُدُسِ مِن رَّبِّكَ} صدق الله العظيم؛ أي أنزله روح الْقُدُسِ جبريل من ربِّك بالحقّ.

وبالنسبة لتأييد رسول الله المسيح عيسى ابن مريم بروح الْقُدُسِ فهو عندما أراد أن يقتله بنو إسرائيل أيّده الله بالملائكة بقيادة روح الْقُدُسِ ليحملوا عيسى فيضعوه في تابوت السكينة، وشَبَّهَ لهم روحُ الْقُدُسِ جسداً آخر بإذن الله صورته كمثل صورة المسيح عيسى ابن مريم ولكنّه جسدٌ من غير روحٍ، وجعل روح الْقُدُسِ ذلك الجسد في مرقد منام المسيح عيسى ابن مريم وغطّوه بنفس غطاء منامه في مرقده المعتاد حيث يعلم بنو إسرائيل أنه ينام فيه، وقام أعداء الله من بني إسرائيل بقتل الرجل الذي كان في مرقد المسيح عيسى ابن مريم وظنّوا أنّه عيسى ابن مريم فمن ثمّ قاموا بقتله بطعن السيوف حتى ظنّوا أنّهم قتلوه، فمن ثمّ قاموا بصلبه والصلب هو قطع الرأس عن الجسد.

وبالنسبة للمسيح عيسى ابن مريم فتوفّاه الله كما توفّى أصحاب الكهف ورفع روحه إليه، وجعل الملائكةُ وروح الْقُدُسِ جسدَ المسيح عيسى ابن مريم الحقّ في تابوت السكينة، وحملته الملائكة وروح الْقُدُسِ فأضافوه إلى أصحاب الكهف، وذلك هو الرقيم المضاف إلى أصحاب الكهف؛ أي أضافوا جسدَه وأما روحَه فرفعه الله إليه إلى حين. ألم يقُل الله تعالى:
{وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّـهُ ۖ وَاللَّـهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ ﴿٥٤﴾ إِذْ قَالَ اللَّـهُ يَا عِيسَىٰ إِنِّي مُتَوَفِّيكَ وَرَافِعُكَ إِلَيَّ وَمُطَهِّرُكَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا} صدق الله العظيم [آل عمران:54-55]؟..

فانظر أنّه ذكر تَوَفِّي الروح ورفعها ثم قال ومطّهرك من الذين كفروا، أي مُطهِّر جسده من أيادي الذين كفروا أن يمسّوه بسوءٍ فقد أيّده الله بروح الْقُدُسِ جبريل حمله من مرقد منامه وروحُه عند بارئها، وجعلوا جسده في تابوت السكينة، وجعل روح الْقُدُسِ بقدرة الله جسداً آخر من غير روحٍ في مرقد منام المسيح عيسى عليه الصلاة والسلام حتى يظنّ الذين سوف يمكرون به من بني إسرائيل أنّه المسيح عيسى ابن مريم، وذلك الجسد يشبه عيسى في الصورة ولكنّه جسدٌ بلا روحٍ، وجاء بنو إسرائيل الذين يريدون المكر بقتل المسيح عيسى ابن مريم وهو في مرقد منامه وقاموا بطعن ذلك الذي شُبِّهَ لهم ثمّ قاموا بصلبه؛ والصلب كما قلنا: قطع الرأس عن الجسد، ألم يقل يوسف لأحد أصحاب الرؤيا:
{يَا صَاحِبَيِ السِّجْنِ أَمَّا أَحَدُكُمَا فَيَسْقِي رَبَّهُ خَمْرًا وَأَمَّا الْآخَرُ فَيُصْلَبُ فَتَأْكُلُ الطَّيْرُ مِن رَّأْسِهِ قُضِيَ الْأَمْرُ الَّذِي فِيهِ تَسْتَفْتِيَانِ ﴿٤١﴾} صدق الله العظيم [يوسف]؟ فنستنبط من ذلك أنّ الصلب هو قطع الرأس عن الجسد، كون ذلك الرجل قتل نفساً بغير الحقّ وحكمت المحكمة عليه بقطع رأسه وتعليق الرأس بالشارع العام للعِظة والعبرة، وأما الجسد فتمّ دفنه فوراً وإنّما كان الرأس معلقاً بالشارع العام للعظة والعبرة، ولذلك قال الله تعالى: {وَأَمَّا الْآخَرُ فَيُصْلَبُ فَتَأْكُلُ الطَّيْرُ مِن رَّأْسِهِ} صدق الله العظيم. ولماذا لم تأكل الطير كذلك من الجسد وهو ألين من الجمجمة؟ والجواب كون الجسد تمّ دفنه بالقبر من بعد صلب رأسه بالسيف.

والمهم، نستنبط من قصة صاحبي السجن أنّ الصلب هو قطع الرأس وأما القتل فهو الطعن بالسيف، ولا نخرج عن الموضوع التابع لرسول الله عيسى عليه الصلاة وعلى أمّه وإنّما أردنا أن نأتي ببرهان الصلب من محكم القرآن أنّه قطع الرأس عن الجسد، ولذلك تجد بأنّ الله ذكر القتل ثم الصلب و قال الله تعالى:
{وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا الْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ اللَّـهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَـٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ} صدق الله العظيم [157:النساء].

فانظر لذكر القتل من قبل الصلب كونهم طعنوا الجسد بالسيوف ليقتلوه وظنّوا أنّ الذي كان في المرقد هو رسول الله المسيح، وإنّما هو جسدٌ من غير روحٍ شَبَّهَهُ لهم روح الْقُدُسِ جبريل بإذن الله وجعل صورته تشبه صورة المسيح عيسى ابن مريم، والمهم أنهم قتلوا ذلك الجسد الذي في المرقد بالطعن بسيوف الذين مكروا به، فمن ثمّ قاموا بصلب رأسه عن جسده أي بقطع رأسه عن جسده من بعد طعن ذلك الجسد. ولذلك قال الله تعالى:
{وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَـٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ} صدق الله العظيم.

فانظر كيف أنّه بدأ بالقتل ثمّ بالصلب؛ بمعنى أنّهم قتلوا ذلك الجسد الذي وجدوه متغطيّاً بلحاف المسيح في مرقد منام المسيح عيسى ابن مريم فطعنوه بسيوفهم ومن بعد اشهار قتله قاموا بصلب رأسه، والمهم أن تصدق قول الله تعالى:
{وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَـٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ} صدق الله العظيم. فكيف تقول بأنّهم قتلوا المسيح عيسى ابن مريم صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وأنّ له روحين وأنهم قتلوا روحاً وبقيت روحٌ؟ بل هذا بيانٌ من عند نفسك بغير علمٍ من الله؛ بل روح الْقُدُسِ هو جبريل أيّده الله به لينقذه من مكر بني إسرائيل، وآتيناك بالبرهان المبين من محكم القرآن العظيم أنّ روح الْقُدُسِ هو رسول الله المَلَك جبريل عليه الصلاة والسلام الذي تنزّل بالقرآن العظيم على محمدٍ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم. تصديقاً لقول الله تعالى: {وَإِذَا بَدَّلْنَا آيَةً مَّكَانَ آيَةٍ وَاللَّـهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يُنَزِّلُ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا أَنتَ مُفْتَرٍ بَلْ أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿١٠١﴾ قُلْ نَزَّلَهُ رُوحُ الْقُدُسِ مِن رَّبِّكَ بِالْحَقِّ لِيُثَبِّتَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَهُدًى وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ ﴿١٠٢﴾} صدق الله العظيم [النحل].

ومن بعد إقامة الحجّة عليك بالحقّ عن الفتوى عن روح الْقُدُسِ أنّه جبريل عليه الصلاة والسلام واعترافك بالبيان الحقّ لهذا السؤال، إن شاء الله نُجيب عليك في بقية الأسئلة ولو أنّ كثيراً منها قد بيّناه بالحقّ في بياناتٍ سابقةٍ، ولكن لا مشكلة ونزيد الأنصار والباحثين عن الحقّ علماً بإذن الله.

وسلامٌ على المرسلين، والحمد لله ربّ العالمين..
أخوكم؛ الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني.

اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان المقتبس..